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Table of Contents

Mob Arena

Mob Arena is a minigame where you fight waves of enemies until you die. Gameplay can be different between arenas.



This arena is still in development.


Forgotten is a low visibility map set in a dark abandoned village with a small cave system underneath and a portal to teleport through.


In this map, the starting kit is very bare bones, with only a wooden sword to start and some basic armor and a couple of other simple items. You will need to gather resources to get better items to aid in surviving for longer. Enemies will drop their normal drops, along with one emerald each. sometimes a second emerald will drop. you can trade with a Wandering Trader between waves using the items you collected from the mobs. You will need to manage your resources as a team. Craft new weapons, cook your food, purchase golems to fight with you, brew potions to give you the edge against the endless waves of monsters. You're items and armor can break so be careful, don't get caught without any weapons.

There are soul boxes placed around the map in different locations, kill mobs in proximity to these soul boxes for extra bonuses. Fill all the boxes and get a massive bonus.

Mobs will drop power up drops, these drops will provide timed bonuses to aid you in your fight, such as instant kill for example.



Forts is based on an old call of duty waw custom zombies map by the same name.

Forts features 4 different structures with a tower in the center of the map, all within a small enclosed base.


During each wave you are forced into one of the 4 corner structures and cannot leave until the end of a wave. This map forces you to fight in small spaces and is extremely difficult on higher waves.

mob_arena.txt · Last modified: 29/022024 17:52 by ladyhaley

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