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Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game!

About the game

Minions & Hunger (MH) is a Card Game mixed into a survival game.

You spawn on a map alone, there is a build area, and then there's the rest of the map, your goal is to survival, you can collect wood, ores, and cobblestone. You cannot travel too far out. There is corrupted zones. Corrupted zones are areas that are made of netherrack, the corrupted zones will grow and you cannot stop that. your goal is to try and survive and to try and kill your opponent. Your opponent will be an a map the same as your one. You can use your cards, you start off with 5 of them and draw one each round. You can spawn mobs to attack your opponent or you can use cards to benefit you directly with ore or chest spawns.

Getting Started

To be able to play the game, there is a few things you will need to do to get started.

  1. Run the command '/kit MHStarter'. This will give you a MH Deck and 10 card packs. Each card pack has 5 cards in it for a total of 50 cards.
  2. Open your inventory and middle click on the Card Packs to open them. This will open a little menu with 5 cards, put them in your inventory. (If you do not have pick block set to the mouse 3 button, which is when you click the scroll wheel, this will not work, it is a minecraft bug.)
  3. Once your cards are in your inventory, middle click your mouse on them to put the cards in your collection.
  4. Run the command '/mh collection' and place your deck where the book and quill is in the bottom row of the menu
  5. You must select 30 cards from your collection to be in your deck or else you will not be able to play. You can select and deselect cards by clicking and right clicking on them.
  6. Once you have 30 cards selected, you can close the menu and leave your deck in that menu, it will stay in that menu. You can take it back out but you must have a Deck in the collection menu to be able to play a game.

How to play

Some basic information about the game are as follows

  • The game starts and players draw 5 cards into your hand. Both players start with 2 mana
  • After a few moments the first round will begin
  • When a new round starts, you draw one card, and your mana increases by one and refreshes to full
  • You can play your cards at any time using your mana, you cannot play cards that require more mana than you have
  • Rounds will keep going until one player is killed by a minion, is killed from the cold, or is killed by hunger.
  • You can always see your enemies health and hunger at the top of your screen and they can see yours

There is text above your health and hunger bars in the action bar. The action bar includes important information about the game.

  • The red text shows how warm you are, you will die if that gets to 0.
  • The yellow text shows what round you are on.
  • The white text shows how many seconds until the next round.
  • The blue text shows how much Mana you have.

Using your cards

In your inventory, you will have a book named Hand. Right clicking this item will open your hand, allowing you to see the cards you have drawn, you start the game with 5 cards drawn at random from your deck. If you can you should use a card that summons a mob into your opponents map as soon as you can. Some cards are helpful to you, some of these effects include spawning of extra ore veins, extra building materials, chests places around the map with helpful loot, and other helpful things like that, other cards will negatively affect your enemy by spawning in mobs every round, giving them the hunger effect, killing all the animals in their map, and other stuff like that.

Gathering Resources

Around the map, outside of your building area, there will be small groups of ore and cobblestone for you to mine and collect, you cannot mine normal stone blocks or anything other than cobblestone and ores. You can also break down trees and leaves.

Building Defenses

In the middle of the map there is your Building Area. The Building Area is the only place that you can build blocks. You can only dig one layer into the ground and about 5 blocks high. it is recommended that you build some kind of defensive building at some point to help you fight your enemies Minions.

Minion Spawning

Minion spawning is done through your cards. Here are some examples of how your cards affect your Minion spawning into your enemies map.

  • Cards like Zombie will spawn one Zombie every round into your enemies map. Cards like Spiders will spawn 4 spiders every round.
  • Cards like Vivid Nightmare will turn your Zombies into baby Zombies at the start of the next round but not the rounds after that.
  • Rift Portal and Rift Surge will create more corrupted zones on your enemies map for your Minions to spawn.

End of game rewards.

The winner of the game will get two card packs and one Gaybox key, the loser of the game will get one card pack.

Card Info & Stats

This card list is curently not up to date, however cards and their effects can be found in the collection in game.

Everything you need to know about the cards and what they do.

Set Name Rarity Mana Description Type
Classic Zombie Common 1 Spawns a zombie each wave Minion
Classic Zombies! Common 3 Spawns 4 zombies each wave Minion
Classic Horde Common 5 Spawns 10 zombies for the next wave Minion
Classic Skeleton Common 2 Spawn a skeleton each wave Minion
Classic Creeper Rare 3 Spawn a creeper each wave Minion
Classic Wither Skeleton Rare 2 Spawn a wither skeleton each wave Minion
Classic Spider Common 1 Spawn a spider each wave Minion
Classic Spiders! Common 3 Spawn 4 spiders each wave Minion
Classic Husk Rare 2 Spawn a husk each wave Minion
Classic Blaze Rare 3 Spawn a blaze each wave Minion
Classic Famine Epic 4 All zombies next wave are husks Spell
Classic Blizzard Epic 4 All skeletons next wave are strays Spell
Classic Venom Strike Rare 2 Spiders this next wave are cave spiders Spell
Classic Corpse Climb Rare 2 When zombies die they spawn gravel Spell
Classic Maggots Epic 4 When your zombies die they have a chance to spawn silverfish Spell
Classic Zerg Rush Legendary 10 Double all of your minion spawns for the next wave Spell
Classic Brutality Epic 5 Increase your minions damage by 50% Spell
Classic Strength Epic 5 Increase your minions damage reduction by 20% Spell
Classic Lightning Storm Legendary 5 Lightning strikes your oppnents build zone, causing explosions next wave Spell
Classic Meteor Storm Legendary 5 Meteors crash into your opponents build zone spawning blazes next wave Spell
Classic Rift Portal Common 3 Create a rift for your minions to spawn from Spell
Classic Rift Surge Rare 5 Creates two rifts for your minions to spawn from Spell
Classic Rift Plague Epic 6 Rifts now spread corruption 3 times faster Spell
Classic Coal Veins Common 2 Spawn coal nodes in non corrupted zones Supply
Classic Redstone Veins Common 2 Spawn redstone nodes in non corrupted zones Supply
Classic Iron Veins Common 2 Spawn iron nodes in some non corrupted zones Supply
Classic Diamond Veins Common 2 Spawn a diamond node in a non corrupted zones Supply
Classic Loot Crate Common 2 Spawn a random loot crate in a ny zone Supply
Classic Air Drop Rare 4 Spawn 3 random loot crates in any zone Supply
Classic Swine Common 2 Spawn 2 pigs in non corrupted zones each wave Supply
Classic Chicken Common 1 Spawn 1 chicken in a non corrupted zone each wave Supply
Classic Cow Common 1 Spawn 1 cow in a non corrupted zone each wave Supply
Classic Monster Hunt Epic 3 Summons a Wither Skeleton “Monster” in your area, kill it to draw three cards. Supply
Classic Zed Slayer Epic 2 Kill 15 zombies, then draw 2 cards as a reward. Supply
Classic Power Draw Common 2 Discard a random card and draw two cards. Supply
Classic Top Deck Epic 2 Draw a card, if you have no cards in your hand draw another. Supply
Classic Minion Rush Rare 3 Draw a card, if its a minion draw another, Supply
Classic Starve Rare 4 Cast hunger on your opponent. Spell
Classic Feed Rare 2 Regain 3 hunger instantly. Spell
Classic Extinction Legendary 5 Kill all of your opponents passive minions. Spell
Classic Lapis Veins Common 2 Spawn a lapis node in a non corrupted zone Supply
Classic Vivid Nightmare Epic 6 All zombies and husks next wave are babies. Spell
Classic Loot Corpse Rare 3 Draw two 'zombie' cards. Supply
Classic Rising Dead Legendary 6 Your zombies have a 10% chance to cast 'Zombie' when they die for you. Spell
Classic Zombie Juggernaut Rare 3 Spawns a very strong Zombie Juggernaut each wave. Minion
Classic Deathweb Epic 3 When your spiders die, they spawn a web around them. Spell
Classic Orb Weavers Rare 3 Your spiders attacks have a chance to create webs on their targets. Spell
Classic Tarantula Epic 3 A deadly spider, it's poisoness and very strong. Minion
Classic Black Widow Legendary 10 This powerful spider will kill any player it damages. Minion
Classic Trap Door Spider Epic 8 This spider is buried somewhere, its very lethal when found. Minion
Classic Huntsman Rare 4 An invisible spider with increased damage. Minion
Classic Corrosive Web Epic 5 Your spider webs now deal damage. Spell
Classic Laborer Start Legendary 1 When the game starts, get a random wooden tool. Supply
Classic Chained Start Legendary 1 When the game starts, get a chainmail armor piece. Supply
Classic Supplied Start Legendary 1 When the game starts, get some random resources. Supply
Classic Torched Start Legendary 1 When the game starts, get a 1-2 torches. Supply
Classic Tool Cache Rare 2 Get a random stone tool. Supply
Classic Building Cache Rare 2 Get some random building materials. Supply
Classic Supply Lines Epic 5 Draw 3 supply cards. Supply
Classic Shuffle Fate Common 1 Supply
Classic Written Prophecy Epic 3 Get a book with the order your cards will be drawn, in this moment. Supply
Classic Divine Divination Epic 3 Get a book with the order your enemies cards will be, in this moment. Supply
minions_hunger.txt · Last modified: 29/022024 17:50 by ladyhaley

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