Table of Contents

My Pet

MyPet is a plugin that allows you to tame almost any mobs you like, level them up, gain skills, and more.

How to use MyPet

How to tame a mob

  1. Find a mob that can be tamed
  2. Get the mob down to its Tame Requirements
  3. Hit the mob with a lead

You cannot tame a mob while you have a pet out and or if you have hit your pet storage limit.

Now that you have a pet you will want to do “/pcst” to pick a skill tree for your pet, and to change your pets name with “/petname [name]”.

Your pet will level up as you level up, just gain exp and your pet will too, so long as they are not in storage.

Tamable Mobs, Requirements, Food, & More.

If you see any missing mobs, please notify LadyHaley so she may update this list

Mob Type Tamable Purchasable Tame Requirement Food Item
Allay Yes Yes Low Hp Apple
Axolotl Yes Yes Low Hp Tropical Fish
Bat Yes Yes Low Hp Spider Eye
Bee Yes No Low Hp Poppy, Dandelion, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Red Tulip, Orange Tulip, Pink Tulip, Oxeye Daisy, Cornflower, Lily of the Valley, Wither Rose
Blaze Yes Yes Low Hp Gunpowder
Cat No No Tamed Cod
Cave Spider Yes Yes Low Hp Rotten Flesh
Chicken Yes Yes Low Hp Wheat Seeds
Cod Yes No Low Hp Sea Grass
Cow Yes Yes Low Hp Wheat
Creeper Yes Yes Low Hp Gunpowder
Dolphin Yes No Low Hp Cod
Donkey Yes Yes Tamed Sugar, Wheat, Apple
Drowned Yes No Low Hp Rotten Flesh
Elder Guardian Yes Yes Low Hp Sugar
Ender Dragon Yes No N/A N/A
Enderman Yes Yes Low Hp Soul Sand
Endermite Yes Yes Low Hp Sugar
Evoker Yes Yes Low Hp Apple
Fox Yes No Low Hp Sweet Berries
Frog Yes Yes Low Hp Slime Ball
Ghast No No N/A N/A
Glow Squid Yes Yes Low Hp Cod
Goat Yes Yes Low Hp Wheat
Guardian Yes Yes Low Hp Sugar
Hoglin Yes Yes Low Hp Crimson Fungus
Horse Yes Yes Tamed Sugar, Wheat, Apple
Husk Yes No Low Hp Rotten Flesh
Illusioner Yes Yes Low Hp Apple
Iron Golem Yes Yes User Created Iron Ingot
Llama Yes Yes Tamed Wheat
Magma Cube Yes Yes Low Hp Redstone
Mooshroom Yes Yes Low Hp Wheat
Mule Yes Yes Tamed Sugar, Wheat, Apple
Ocelot Yes Yes Tamed Cod
Parrot Yes Yes Tamed Wheat Seeds
Panda Yes No Low Hp Bamboo
Phantom Yes No Low Hp Rotten Flesh
Pig Yes Yes Low Hp Carrot
Piglin Yes Yes Low Hp Gold Nugget
Piglin Brute Yes No Low Hp Gold Nugget
Pillager Yes No Low Hp Apple
Polar Bear Yes Yes Low Hp Cod
Pufferfish Yes Yes Low Hp Sea Grass
Rabbit Yes Yes Low Hp Carrot
Ravager Yes Yes Low Hp Beef, Mutton
Salmon Yes Yes Low Hp Sea Grass
Sheep Yes Yes Low Hp Wheat
Silverfish Yes Yes Low Hp Sugar
Skeleton Yes Yes Low Hp Bone
Skeleton Horse Yes Yes Low Hp Bone
Slime Yes Yes Low Hp Sugar
Snowman Yes Yes Low Hp Snowball, Carrot
Spider Yes Yes Low Hp Rotten Flesh
Squid Yes Yes Low Hp Cod
Stray Yes Yes Low Hp Bone
Strider Yes Yes Low Hp Bone
Tadpole Yes Yes Low Hp Slime Ball
Trader Llama Yes No Tamed Wheat
Tropical Fish Yes No Low Hp Sea Grass
Turtle Yes Yes Low Hp Sea Grass
Vex Yes Yes Low Hp Apple
Villager Yes Yes Low Hp Apple
Vindicator Yes Yes Low Hp Apple
Wandering Trader Yes No Low Hp Apple
Warden Yes Yes Low Hp Bone
Witch Yes Yes Low Hp Mushroom Stew
Wither Yes Yes N/A Bone
Wither Skeleton Yes Yes Low Hp Bone
Wolf Yes Yes Tamed Beef, Mutton
Zoglin Yes Yes Low Hp Rotten Flesh
Zombie Yes Yes Low Hp Rotten Flesh
Zombie Horse Yes Yes Low Hp Rotten Flesh
Zombified Piglin Yes Yes Low Hp Rotten Flesh
Zombie Villager Yes Yes Low Hp Rotten Flesh

MyPet Commands

Commands Description
/mypet Shows all available MyPet Commands
/petinfo [username] Shows the following info about your or another player's pet. hit points experience damage owner (only when the pet isn't yours) skilltree
/petname [new-pet-name] Sets the name of your pet.You can use colors to make the name of your pets more colorful by adding the Minecraft color code to the name like you would on a sign or in chat.
Eg. /petname &eBob will give your pet, Bob, a yellow name.
/petrelease [pet-name] Release your pet so you don't have them as a pet anymore
/petcall Teleports your active pet to you when they disappear or you've sent them away
/petsendaway Makes your pet disappear but does not put them back into storage. They can be summoned again with /petcall
/petswitch Allows you to switch between pets from your pet storage.
/petstore Allows you to store your active petStored pets can be retrieved by the /petswitch command
/pettrade [accept/reject/cancel/<player-name>] <price> Offers your current pet to another player.<price> can be any economy price.
/petshop Opens a GUI that shows the available pet shops
/petskill Shows info about the skills of your pet
/petstop Orders your pet to stop attacking their target, unless in farm and aggressive behavior modes.
/pcst Shows all available skilltrees and lets you select a skilltree for your pet
/petcapturehelper Enables/disables the CaptureHelper
/petoptions <option> [parameters] Changes options on your pet healthbar toggles actionbar healthbar on/off idle-volume set the volume of the idle sound pets make parameters: <percent>
/petinventory Opens the inventory of your pet.
/petpickup Toggles pickup of your pet on/off.Requires Inventory with at least one row of slots.
/petbehavior Toggles the behavior your petModes:friendly → the pet will not fight even when it's attacked by anything normal → the pet will act like a normal wolf aggressive → attacks automatically everything within 15 blocks of the owner farm → attacks automatically every Monster within 15 blocks of the owner raid → like normal but the pet will not attack players and their minions (wolves, ocelot, pets) duel → pets will attack other pets with active duel behavior within a 5 block radius
/petbeacon opens the beacon window of your pet
