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Dwellin adds some quality-of-life changes for Villagers and Pillagers


Iron Golems

Iron golems not created by a player but healed by them will no longer attack them.

Villager Names

Villagers will now have randomly selected names.

Villager Death Broadcast

Villagers will now have their deaths broadcasted in chat

Villagers follow emeralds

Villagers will now follow the player when holding an emerald, emerald ore, and deepslate emerald ore, in the same way the farm mobs follow with food.

Controlled Bad Omen

You can no longer receive Bad Omen from killing a Pillager Patrol Leader/Captain. To get bad omen, use a flint and steel on a placed ominous banner. you can get to bad omen level 5 through this method

Raid Wave Count

Raids will now tell you how many waves there will be, and which wave you are currently on

Improved Pillager AI

Pillagers will now take a few steps back when charging up their crossbows. they also have a chance to load fireworks instead of an arrow