====== Server Ban Record ====== A list of users banned from Gaytopia. I am making this list so if anyone searches their username, the proof will show up on Google :) I am not going to list people who break every rule, only if I believe they will cause issues on other servers they visit. Discord Tags and IDs and a link to their Namemc.com results will also be attached to entries here. ==== Banned Users ==== ^ Ban Date ^ Username ^ UUID ^ Discord Tag and ID ^ Ban Reason ^ Screenshot ^ | 1:30pm 01/07/2023 +10GMT | [[https://namemc.com/profile/iCarbonatedMilk.1|iCarbonatedMilk]] | 3c5c5f30-29a9-4250-bfa1-4fe2e820c4e6 | Discord Tag: carbonatedmilk#0125 Discord User ID: 403980284757803028 | Griefing, placing swastikas | {{:icarbonatedmilk.webp?200x100}} |