====== Gender and Pronouns ====== List your gender and your pronouns in the chat so people can check them at a glance{{ :2024-03-01-21-53-02-explorer.png?400}} To view your pronouns and gender or someone else's pronouns and gender, simply hover your cursor over their username. You can also use `/pronouns show [Username]` and `/gender check [Username]` to view them. ==== Pronouns Heads Up ==== Information for Pronouns may change in the future, if somethings not working, check back here before asking staff about it, thanks ===== Commands ===== ^ Command ^ Description ^ | /gender list | Opens a GUI that lets you go through and view all the genders listed in this plugin. If you can't find your gender listed, please contact staff | | /gender info [Gender name] | Shows information about a specific gender | | /gender set [Gender name] | Sets your gender to a specific gender | | /gender check [Username] | Check a specific user's Gender | | /pronouns list | Shows all predefined pronoun sets | | /pronouns set [Pronoun] | Set your pronouns, the list is not very big at the moment | | /pronouns show [Username] | Show another player's pronouns |